The Marketing AuditTM collaborated with Cigna to explore global mobility and benefits programs. These are a few of the statements that respondents said in our survey in collaboration with CIGNA:
“We’ve laid off 50% of our total population.”
“Our group size has gone down on the international side from 200 to 70.”
“It needs to pick up and we have every indication that it will.”
“I think that things are starting to turn around a little bit right now.”
The energy industry, in particular, oil and gas, was in its deepest downturn in decades.
Our goal with this survey? To understand how oil and gas companies were coping with the challenges of offering group benefits programs to expatriates, rotators, third-country nationals, inpatriates to the US, locally hired foreigners, and the like.
Global mobility programs are changing shape, both in structure and in the makeup of their participants. These changes are flowing through to benefits programs, although the effects often look different for and within the global mobility group, where talent is particularly critical and the turnover can be costly. Given the unique requirements of conducting business internationally, firms are looking for innovative ways to balance cost with competitiveness. This is important because given these market fluctuations, employee benefits programs will become more critical than ever in sustaining an effective presence on the world stage.
Many thanks to the 25 benefits professionals who participated in our survey. They are the voice of experience and the voice of the market, and this report represents their collective knowledge and insight.
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